B o o o o o o o

At the first snow the soul draws itself debauchedly to the warm solar plexus. Events and thoughts turn in on themselves stupidly and freeze.

From the point of view of the higher energy beings who share this gravitational field, laziness is incomprehensible. Just Shift Sideways In Time, Freshen It Up. Or speed it up or slow it down.

For man, the time binder, the slow march of time and the destinies that attend it are terrifying.

Sloth is the consequence of existing in unidirectional time. It is a perversion of the natural instinct to wait it out and gather strength.

Sloth is the gateway through which all of this weirdness has entered. Laziness is nothing more than a worn-out hole in the soul. This world is not meant for swiss cheese.

My life has a curse on it, and the horror of seeing the Illuminati absorb all the rich kids drives me insane.

O that my words might be inscribed, O that they might be engraved in an inscription, cut with an iron tool and filled with lead to be a witness in hard rock! But in my heart I know that my vindicator lives and that he will rise last to speak in court; and I shall discern my witness standing at my side and see my defending counsel, even God himself, whom I shall see with my own eyes, I myself and no other.

A m u s e m e n t . . .