16 April 2005 (yesterday) (tomorrow)


I stayed up late and had breakfast at Scaramouche around 8 a.m., I then went upstairs and lay down to take a power nap before I had to get up and rally the troops for Basquiat.  When I finally fell asleep it was such a deep and restful slumber that going on a museum outing seemed like a harsh interruption.

Fortunately we rescheduled for tomorrow because Bob had an Image Node meeting to attend.  We arranged this over my second breakfast at Scaramouche, around 12:30 p.m.  They had the Belgian Waffles; it was almost a gala event. Daniel, Sally, and Daniel's brother Josh were there, and James joined us briefly.

After briefly spotting Wendy on my stairs, I wandered away and tried to get some rest.  When I finally fell asleep it was such a deep and restful slumber that Beatrice calling me to go to a barbecue seemed like a harsh interruption.

I met Beatrice's friend Julie; I was admonished for missing Beatrice's birthday party.  Beatrice's boyfriend Seth made me a Hawaiian chicken sandwich.  It started to get cold outside, but everyone was quite friendly.

I finally went home and got some sleep.  Begged off seeing William; he agreed.