11 June 2005 (yesterday) (tomorrow)


I got up in the early afternoon and slogged my way down Court St. through sporadic showers to complete the purchase and wrapping of presents, which I did at Sal's over a slice of sausage & broccoli and a glass of very cheap red box wine.

I was very stressed out about the garden party at the McKleinfelds', it turned out well, firstly because I put a lot of thought into the birthday presents for Daniel, Sally, Bob and Wendy and secondly because I was strenuously polite.  I restrained my abrasive outbursts as much as possible, opting for measured, tactful commentary with such people as Eric and Vanessa Theriault, Alison Solomon, Eileen White (how I got the CUNY job), Josh & Jenny, Daniel, Elke, Daniel's sister Rachel, Wendy (who arrived in the evening and looked lovely), Bob, and Sal. 

The punch was fine, so was Josh's pipe.  After that I met up with William and Beatrice at Frankie's (I had intended to go to Minibar but it was simply too crowded).