13 July 2005 (yesterday) (tomorrow)


Talked with Tony on the stoop awhile.  He's been through an incredible amount of pain in his life, including Vietnam, a divorce, a dead son, and a heroin habit. 

Then I headed down to see Land of the Dead.  I stopped into Forbidden Planet first.

Daniel and I strolled down to TLA, after dropping off Bob, who furtively disappeared into a Barnes and Noble.  I bought some Graces, and realized that the girl at the counter of the video store was the same girl I had seen several years ago on the sidewalk.  She wore brown, and had brown hair.  Her name tag said "Katelyn."

Emerging from the subway to see if Chris Jordan had left me a message, I received a phone call from William.  It was Michael's birthday, so I gave him "Waking Life."  Douglas acted as though he were meeting me for the first time.  I walked out to the cabs with a girl named Lynne and a guy named Steven.  I then treated myself to a solitary cheeseburger at Kellogg's Diner.  Mad Cow disease be damned!